Friday, July 10, 2009

Men are cretins

I've come to the conclusion that men are cretins. Why the superior of our race puts up with their shananigans, I have no earthy idea.

Here's a short list of men things with no reason behind them.
1. Pooping takes at least 30-45 minutes per incident. What the hell are they doing in there?? Women go in do the job and paper work and are out again in 5 minutes tops.

2.How can men never be able to find things? I have been married to the same man for 23 years now. His socks for the last 23 years have been on the left hand side of the second drawer. This was where he requested they be put. Somehow when I am in the bathroom, on the phone, or reading a great book, his socks pick up and move to some secret place. And then after hearing enough whining and I go look for them. HUH they have moved back to the left side of the second drawer.

3.Why do men keep things? The man I live with has boxes of shit and refuses to get rid of them because he might need this stuff someday. I'm still waiting on someday. He has boxes of; snips of wire, phones that no longer work, remotes that work on nothing, papers like phone bills from 1978, wire hangers, 2 copy machines and odd parts to them, bubble wrap, a whole bunch of fishing stuff that has rusted into a ball, you get the idea. Then he moans about the fact there is no room in the garage.

4.Never buy new underwear. What's so bad about new underwear?? Men where it until you can read through it and it's being held up with duct tape.

5. Live in an ocean of paperwork. First off the man I live with has one of the biggest desks I've ever seen. In fact I rarely see it because it's covered in a bazillion inches of papers. And then when he can't find the one he's looking for, I am supposed to know right where it is.

I have organized this overwhelming mountain of papers more times than I care to remember. Setting up little bins and labelling them with huge bright colors. Give it a week, it will look just like it did.

6.Act like they'er dying when they have a cold? This is what I hear, "whine whine whine, whinewhine whine." This is what I do. Place everything I think he might need on a table by the bed. Then go shopping.

7. Want to have sex when you are reading the best book ever and are at the best part. Sheesh! I must say after these many years I can make it a very very short session.

8. Why do they think women really like martial arts movies? And then why do they get in a huff if you sit beside him reading? They sure don't watch love stories.

OK, I think you get the picture. Sometime I have to agree with the geek science folks, men are becoming obsolete. So maybe they might want to change their ways. Bwahahahahahah! Snort

1 comment:

  1. PS I am the world's worst speller so please ignore any mistakes. Snort!
