Friday, July 24, 2009


Sometimes I think my mind works in an odd way. If you ask the people who know me, they will tell you that I'm crazier than shit.

Just like that, I think, "Is shit crazy? How can it be crazy with no brain cells? But then crazy people's brain cells aren't firing right or missing. Where does that expression come from anyway?"

From there I will go to or some such site. And then I'm off.

Like yesterday I was watching Shrek and the thought that came from somewhere was, " I wonder how women wearing hoop skirts, used the bathroom. I know I don't get the connection either.

But I put the question into a search engine and never really came up with an answer. But I did hit a site about fashion and customs through many ages. I sat for hours reading this damn site. Finding out all about corsets, the first bra, rules for mourning your loved ones and calling cards etc.

This is the kind of stuff that fascinates me. I have no idea why. I will find stuff like this and start getting excited. Then my poor family gets to hear the whole thing. They really hate that.

Like the neutrino episode. Scientist have been trying to prove they exist for years and I just happened to be flipping channels and ran across a show about how they DO exist and how the scientists proved it.

I was totally stoked!! Poor hubby got to sit and listen to the whole theory and how it was proved. I'm not sure how much he really heard. I imagine he was hearing blah blah blah, and thinking, "I think I need to change the oil in my truck."

But he was a good sport and sat there and pretended to listen. And when I was done he looked at me and ask, "What's a neutrino?"

I maybe I need to find a forum for geeky people. I have no idea where to find one that covers all the stuff I'm interested in. I want one where I can talk about, astronomy, ancient cultures, rules of etiquette, gaming, movies, reading, and be humorous.

Oh! Oh! How come we don't have lightning bugs here?

And I'm off!!!


  1. forgot to add. I think they lift the hoops up and straddle the toilet and hope
